TextComponentPeer is an interface that defines the basis for text components.
public abstract interface java.awt.peer.TextComponentPeer extends java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer { // Interface Methods public abstract int getCaretPosition();public abstract int getSelectionEnd(); public abstract int getSelectionStart(); public abstract String getText(); public abstract void select (int selectionStart, int selectionEnd); public abstract void setCaretPosition (int pos);
public abstract void setEditable (boolean state); public abstract void setText (String text); }
The current position of the caret (text cursor).
The ending cursor position of any selected text.
The initial position of any selected text.
The current contents of the text component's peer.
Beginning position of the text to select.
Ending position of the text to select.
Selects text in the text component's peer.
New caret position.
Changes the position of the caret (text cursor).
true if the user can change the contents of the text component's peer (i.e., true to make the peer editable); false to make the peer read-only.
Allows you to change the current editable state of the text component's peer.
New text for the text component's peer .
Sets the content of the text component's peer.
ComponentPeer, String, TextAreaPeer, TextFieldPeer