// This example is from the book _Java AWT Reference_ by John Zukowski. // Written by John Zukowski. Copyright (c) 1997 O'Reilly & Associates. // You may study, use, modify, and distribute this example for any purpose. // This example is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY either expressed or import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; public class ClipMe extends Frame { TextField tf; TextArea ta; Button copy, paste; Clipboard clipboard = null; ClipMe() { super ("Clipping Example"); add (tf = new TextField("Welcome"), "North"); add (ta = new TextArea(), "Center"); ta.setEditable(false); Panel p = new Panel(); p.add (copy = new Button ("Copy")); p.add (paste = new Button ("Paste")); add (p, "South"); setSize (250, 250); } public static void main (String args[]) { new ClipMe().show(); } public boolean handleEvent (Event e) { if (e.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) { System.exit(0); return true; // never gets here } return super.handleEvent (e); } public boolean action (Event e, Object o) { if (clipboard == null) clipboard = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); if ((e.target == tf) || (e.target == copy)) { StringSelection data; data = new StringSelection (tf.getText()); clipboard.setContents (data, data); } else if (e.target == paste) { Transferable clipData = clipboard.getContents(this); String s; try { s = (String)(clipData.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); } catch (Exception ee) { s = ee.toString(); } ta.setText(s); } return true; } }