Chapter 35



The package contains the classes used for Java debugging and object inspection tools. The package's classes and interfaces are described in detail throughout the remainder of this chapter. Table 35.1 contains all the classes and interfaces that have public members. Figure 35.1 shows graphically the hierarchy of the contents of this package. The remainder of the chapter shows the member variables and methods of each class, interface, and exception in the package.

Figure 35.1: Contents of package

Table 35.1. Contents of package

Class IndexInterface Index Exception Index
RemoteArray DebuggerCallback NoSessionException
RemoteBoolean  NoSuchFieldException
RemoteByte  NoSuchLineNumberException


The class hierarchy for the RemoteArray class derives from class The RemoteArray class is provided to allow remote debugging of arrays. RemoteArray's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1 and its public members are shown in Listing 35.1.

Listing 35.1. Public members of
public class RemoteArray {
  public final int getSize()
  public String typeName()
  public String arrayTypeName(int type)
  public final int getElementType() throws Exception
  public final RemoteValue getElement(int index)
 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public final RemoteValue[] getElements()
 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public final RemoteValue[] getElements(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
 throws Exception
  public String description()
  public String toString()




public final int getSize()

The getSize() method is used to return the number of elements in the remote array.

An integer value representing the number of elements in the array.




public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns this RemoteValue object's type ("Array").

typeName() produces a String object corresponding to the RemoteValue object's type.




public String arrayTypeName(int type)

The arrayTypeName() method returns the element type as a string based on the specified integer type.

type is an integer value representing the element type (TC_CHAR, for instance).

arrayTypeName() retrieves a String representation of the element type.




public final int getElementType() throws Exception

The getElementType() method returns the integer constant for the element type.

getElementType() returns an integer value representing the element type.

An Exception if the element type is not determinable.




public final RemoteValue getElement(int index)
 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The getElement() method returns the RemoteValue at the array's specified index. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

Index is an integer value representing the index into the array.

getElement() retrieves a RemoteValue object at the specified index of the array.

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is greater than the number of elements in the array.




public final RemoteValue[] getElements() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The getElements() method returns the contents of the array as an array of RemoteValue objects. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

getElements() creates an array of RemoteValue objects.

An Exception if the operation could not be completed.




public final RemoteValue[] getElements(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The getElements() method returns a subset of the contents of the array as an array of RemoteValue objects. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

beginIndex is an integer value representing the beginning element of the array to copy

to the RemoteValue array.

endIndex is an integer value representing the ending element of the array to copy to the RemoteValue array.

getElements() creates an array of RemoteValue objects.

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified indexes are greater than the number of elements in the array.




public String description()

The description() method returns a string description of the array.

description() produces a String object containing a description of the array.




public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string version of the array's contents.

toString() returns a String object containing a textual version of the array.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteBoolean class derives from class The RemoteBoolean class is provided to allow remote debugging of Boolean values. RemoteBoolean's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1, and its public members appear in Listing 35.2.

Listing 35.2. Public members of
public class RemoteBoolean {
  public boolean get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()




public boolean get()

The get() method returns the Boolean value of the RemoteBoolean object.

get() produces a Boolean value representing the value of the RemoteBoolean object.




public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

typeName() produces a String object containing this RemoteValue's type.




public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

toString() creates a String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteByte class derives from class The RemoteByte class is provided to allow remote debugging of byte values. RemoteByte's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.3 shows its public members.

Listing 35.3. Public members of
public class RemoteByte {
  public byte get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public byte get()

The get() method returns the byte value of the RemoteByte object.

get() produces a byte value representing the value of the RemoteByte object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

typeName() produces a String object containing this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

toString() creates a String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteChar class derives from class The RemoteBoolean class enables remote debugging of character values. RemoteChar's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.4 shows its public members.

Listing 35.4. Public members of
public class RemoteChar {
  public char get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()




public char get()

The get() method returns the character value of the RemoteChar object.

get() retrieves a char value representing the value of the RemoteChar object.




public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

typeName() produces a String object containing this RemoteValue's type.




public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

ToString() creates a String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteClass class derives from class The RemoteClass class enables remote debugging of class objects. RemoteClass's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.5 shows its public members.

Listing 35.5. Public members of
public class RemoteClass {
  public String getName() throws Exception
  public String typeName() throws Exception
  public boolean isInterface() throws Exception
  public RemoteClass getSuperclass() throws Exception
  public RemoteObject getClassLoader() throws Exception
  public RemoteClass[] getInterfaces() throws Exception
  public String getSourceFileName()
  public InputStream getSourceFile() throws Exception
  public RemoteField[] getFields() throws Exception
  public RemoteField[] getStaticFields() throws Exception
  public RemoteField[] getInstanceFields() throws Exception
  public RemoteField getField(int n) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public RemoteField getField(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteField getInstanceField(int n)
 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  public RemoteValue getFieldValue(int n) throws Exception
  public RemoteValue getFieldValue(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteField getMethod(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteField[] getMethods() throws Exception
  public String[] getMethodNames() throws Exception
  public String setBreakpointLine(int lineno) throws Exception
  public String setBreakpointMethod(RemoteField method) throws Exception
  public String clearBreakpoint(int pc) throws Exception
  public String clearBreakpointLine(int lineno) throws Exception
  public String clearBreakpointMethod(RemoteField method) throws Exception
  public void catchExceptions() throws Exception
  public void ignoreExceptions() throws ClassCastException
  public String description()
  public String toString()



public String getName() throws Exception

The getName() method returns the name of the remote class.

GetName() produces a String object containing the name of the class.

An Exception if the class name could not be determined.



public String typeName() throws Exception

The typeName() method returns the name of the class as its type.

TypeName()produces a String object containing the type of the class.

An Exception if the class type could not be determined.



public boolean isInterface() throws Exception

The isInterface() method is used to determine if the remote class is an interface.

IsInterface() returns a Boolean value that is true if the class is an interface, false if not.

An Exception if it could not be determined if the class was or was not an interface.



public RemoteClass getSuperclass() throws Exception

The getSuperclass() method returns the superclass of the RemoteClass as a RemoteClass object.

getSuperclass() produces a RemoteClass object representing this RemoteClass's superclass.

An Exception if the superclass could not be determined.



public RemoteObject getClassLoader() throws Exception

The getClassLoader() method returns the classloader of the RemoteClass as a RemoteObject object.

getClassLoader() retrieves a RemoteObject object representing this RemoteClass's classloader.

An Exception if the classloader could not be determined.



public RemoteClass[] getInterfaces() throws Exception

The getInterfaces() method returns the interfaces of this RemoteClass as an array of RemoteClass objects.

GetInterfaces() creates an array of RemoteClass objects representing this RemoteClass's interfaces.

An Exception if the interfaces could not be determined.



public String getSourceFileName()

The getSourceFileName() method returns the name of the source file referenced by this RemoteClass object.

getSourceFileName() produces a String object representing the name of the source file referenced by this RemoteClass object.



public InputStream getSourceFile() throws Exception

The getSourceFile() method returns the source file referenced by this RemoteClass object as an InputStream. For more information on the InputStream class, see the documentation in Chapter 31, "Package"

getSourceFile() returns an InputStream representing this RemoteClass's source file.

An Exception if the source file could not be retrieved.



public RemoteField[] getFields() throws Exception

The getFields() method returns all of the static fields of this object as an array of RemoteField objects. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

GetFields() creates an array of RemoteField objects representing the fields of this RemoteClass object.

An Exception if the fields could not be returned.



public RemoteField[] getStaticFields() throws Exception

The getStaticFields() method returns all the static fields of this object as an array of RemoteField objects. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

GetStaticFields() creates an array of RemoteField objects representing the fields of this RemoteClass object.

An Exception if the fields could not be returned.



public RemoteField[] getInstanceFields() throws Exception

The getInstanceFields() method returns all of the instance fields of this object as an array of RemoteField objects. Because this is a RemoteClass method, only the name and type methods will be valid (not the data). For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

GetInstanceFields() creates an array of RemoteField objects representing the instance fields of this RemoteClass object.

An Exception if the instance fields could not be returned.



public RemoteField getField(int n) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The getField() method returns the static field at the specified index of the RemoteClass. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

n is an integer value representing the index of the field to be returned.

getField() produces a RemoteField object representing the static field at the specified index.

An Exception if the field at the specified index could not be returned.



public RemoteField getField(String name) throws Exception

The getField() method returns the static field using the specified field name. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

name is a String object containing the name of the static field to be returned.

GetField() returns a RemoteField object specified by the field name.

An Exception if the field with the specified name could not be returned.



public RemoteField getInstanceField(int n) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The getInstanceField() method returns the instance field at the specified index of the RemoteClass. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

n is an integer value representing the index of the field to be returned.

getInstanceField() produces a RemoteField object representing the instance field at the specified index.

An Exception if the field at the specified index could not be returned.



public RemoteValue getFieldValue(int n) throws Exception

The getFieldValue() method returns the RemoteValue of the static field at the specified index. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

n is an integer value representing the index of the field to be returned.

getFieldValue() retrieves a RemoteValue object representing the value of the field at the specified index.

An Exception if the field's value could not be returned.



public RemoteValue getFieldValue(String name) throws Exception

The getFieldValue() method returns the RemoteValue of the static field using the specified name. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

name is a String object representing the name of the static field whose value will be returned.

GetFieldValue() produces a RemoteValue object containing the value of the field.

An Exception if the field's value could not be returned.



public RemoteField getMethod(String name) throws Exception

The getMethod() method returns the method using the specified method name. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

name is a String object representing the name of the method to be returned.

getMethod() produces a RemoteField object representing the specified method.

An Exception if the specified method could not be returned.



public RemoteField[] getMethods() throws Exception

The getMethods() method returns all of a class's methods in an array of RemoteField objects. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

getMethods() produces an array of RemoteField objects representing all of the RemoteClass's methods.

An Exception if all of the methods could not be returned.



public String[] getMethodNames() throws Exception

The getMethodNames() returns an array containing the names of the RemoteClass's methods.

getMethodNames() creates an array of String objects containing the name of the RemoteClass's methods.

An Exception if the names of the RemoteClass's methods could not be returned.



public String setBreakpointLine(int lineno) throws Exception

The setBreakpointLine() method sets a breakpoint at the specified line number of the RemoteClass.

lineno is an integer value representing the line number at which to set the breakpoint.

setBreakpointLine() produces a String object that is empty if the method was successful or contains an error message if it was unsuccessful.

An Exception if the breakpoint was unable to be set.



public String setBreakpointMethod(RemoteField method) throws Exception

The setBreakpointMethod() method sets the breakpoint at the first line of a class method specified by the RemoteField parameter. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

method is a RemoteField object specifying the method at which to set the breakpoint.

setBreakpointMethod() produces an empty String object if the method was successful or an error message if it was unsuccessful.

An Exception if the setBreakpointMethod() method failed.



public String clearBreakpoint(int pc) throws Exception

The clearBreakpoint() method clears the breakpoint at the specified class address.

pc is an integer value representing the class address at which to clear the breakpoint.

clearBreakpoint() produces an empty String object if the method was successful or an error message if it was unsuccessful.

An Exception if the clearBreakpoint() method failed.



public String clearBreakpointLine(int lineno) throws Exception

The clearBreakpointLine() method clears the breakpoint at the specified line number.

lineno is an integer value representing the line number at which to clear the breakpoint.

ClearBreakpointLine() produces an empty String object if the method was successful, or an error message if it was unsuccessful.

An Exception if the clearBreakpointLine() method failed.



public String clearBreakpointMethod(RemoteField method) throws Exception

The clearBreakpointMethod() method is used to clear a breakpoint for a specified method. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

method is a RemoteField object specifying the method at which to clear the breakpoint.

clearBreakpointMethod() produces an empty String object if the method was successful, or an error message if it was unsuccessful.

An Exception if the clearBreakpointMethod() method failed.



public void catchExceptions() throws ClassCastException

The catchExceptions() method enters the debugger when an instance of this class is thrown.

A ClassCastException if this RemoteClass isn't an exception class.



public void ignoreExceptions() throws ClassCastException

The ignoreExceptions() method prevents the entering of the debugger when an instance of this class is thrown.

A ClassCastException if this RemoteClass isn't an exception class.



public String description()

The description() method returns a String description of the class. This method overrides the description() method in class RemoteObject.

Description() produces a String object that describes the remote class.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a String description of the class.

A String object that describes the remote class.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteDebugger class derives from class java.lang.Object. The RemoteDebugger class is provided to define a client interface to the Java debugging classes. RemoteDebugger's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1, and its members appear in Listing 35.6.

Listing 35.6. Public members of
public class RemoteDebugger {
  public RemoteDebugger(String host, String password, DebuggerCallback client,
      Â boolean verbose) throws Exception
  public RemoteDebugger(String javaArgs, DebuggerCallback client,
      Â boolean verbose) throws Exception
  public void close()
  public RemoteObject get(Integer id)
  public RemoteClass[] listClasses() throws Exception
  public RemoteClass findClass(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteThreadGroup[] listThreadGroups(RemoteThreadGroup tg)
      Â throws Exception
  public void gc(RemoteObject save_list[]) throws Exception
  public void trace(boolean traceOn) throws Exception
  public void itrace(boolean traceOn) throws Exception
  public int totalMemory() throws Exception
  public int freeMemory() throws Exception
  public RemoteThreadGroup run(int argc, String argv[]) throws Exception
  public String[] listBreakpoints() throws Exception
  public String[] getExceptionCatchList() throws Exception
  public String getSourcePath() throws Exception
  public void setSourcePath(String pathList) throws Exception



public RemoteDebugger(String host, String password, DebuggerCallback client,
 boolean verbose) throws Exception

This RemoteDebugger() constructor creates a RemoteDebugger object using the Java interpreter and the specified host, password, and client method.

host is a String object that contains the name of the host where the debuggable Java instance is running.

Password is the password reported by the debuggable Java instance.

client is a DebuggerCallback interface to which the notification messages are sent. For more information on the DebuggerCallback interface, see the documentation later in this chapter.

Verbose is a Boolean value that should be true if internal debugger message text is to be turned on, false if not.

An Exception if creating the RemoteDebugger caused an error.



public RemoteDebugger(String javaArgs, DebuggerCallback client,
 boolean verbose) throws Exception

This RemoteDebugger() constructor is used to create a RemoteDebugger object using a new client interpreter.

JavaArgs is a String object containing optional Java command-line parameters.

Client is a DebuggerCallback interface to which the notification messages are sent. For more information on the DebuggerCallback interface, see the documentation later in this chapter.

Verbose is a Boolean value that should be true if internal debugger message text is to be turned on, false if not.

An Exception if creating the RemoteDebugger caused an error.



public void close()

The close() method closes the connection to the remote debugging tool.





public RemoteObject get(Integer id)

The get() method retrieves an object from the remote debugging object store.

id is the remote object's identification number.

A RemoteObject object, or null if no corresponding object is cached.



public RemoteClass[] listClasses() throws Exception

The listClasses() method lists the currently known classes.

An array of RemoteClass objects. For more information on the RemoteClass class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if an error occurred while retrieving classes.



public RemoteClass findClass(String name) throws Exception

The findClass() method returns the specified RemoteClass. For more information on the RemoteClass class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

name is a String object specifying the name of the remote class to be returned.

The specified RemoteClass object or null if not found.

An Exception if an error occurred while retrieving the class.



public RemoteThreadGroup[] listThreadGroups(RemoteThreadGroup tg)
 throws Exception

The listThreadGroups() method returns either part or all of the RemoteThreadGroup objects available.

tg is the thread group that holds the groups to be listed or null for all of the thread groups.

An array of RemoteThreadGroup objects. For more information on the RemoteThreadGroup class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

An Exception if an error occurred while listing the thread groups.



public void gc(RemoteObject save_list[]) throws Exception

The gc() method frees all objects referenced by the debugger except for those objects specified to save.

Save_list is an array of RemoteObject objects that are not to be deleted by the gc() method. For more information on the RemoteObject class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

An Exception if an error occurred while freeing the objects.



public void trace(boolean traceOn) throws Exception

The trace() method allows call tracing to be turned on or off.

TraceOn is a Boolean value that is true if tracing is to be turned on, false if tracing is to be turned off.

An Exception if this method caused an error.



public void itrace(boolean traceOn) throws Exception

The itrace() method allows instruction tracing to be turned on or off.

TraceOn is a Boolean value that is true if tracing is to be turned on, false if it is to be turned off.

An Exception if this method caused an error.



public int totalMemory() throws Exception

The totalMemory() returns the total memory usage of the Java interpreter being debugged.

An integer value representing the total number of bytes being used by the Java interpreter.

An exception if the total memory cannot be determined.



public int freeMemory() throws Exception

The freeMemory() method returns the free memory that is available to the Java interpreter being debugged.

An integer value representing the number of free memory bytes available to the Java interpreter being debugged.

An Exception if the free memory available cannot be determined.



public RemoteThreadGroup run(int argc, String argv[]) throws Exception

The run() method loads and runs a Java class using the specified parameters. The Java interpreter being debugged creates a new thread group to run the class inside.

argc is an integer value representing the number of arguments passed to the interpreter.

argv is an array of String objects containing the arguments passed to the interpreter.

A RemoteThreadGroup object that the class will be run inside. For more information on the RemoteThreadGroup class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

An Exception if the class could not be run.



public String[] listBreakpoints() throws Exception

The listBreakpoints() method returns a list of the breakpoints that are currently set.

An array of String objects containing the class and line number for each breakpoint that is currently set.

An Exception if the list of breakpoints cannot be retrieved.



public String[] getExceptionCatchList() throws Exception

The getExceptionCatchList() method returns the list of exceptions that the debugger will halt on.

An array of String objects that represent exception class names.

An Exception if the list of exceptions could not be returned.



public String getSourcePath() throws Exception

The getSourcePath() method returns a String object containing the source file path that the debugging agent is currently using.

A String object containing the source file path.

An Exception if the source file path could not be returned.



public void setSourcePath(String pathList) throws Exception

The setSourcePath() method uses the specified pathList to set the source file path used by the debugging agent.

PathList is a String object containing a list of colon-delimited paths for use by the debugging agent.

An Exception if the source path could not be set.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteDouble class derives from class The RemoteDouble class enables remote debugging of double values. RemoteDouble's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.7 shows its public members.

Listing 35.7. Public members of
public class RemoteDouble {
  public double get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public double get()

The get() method returns the double value of the RemoteDouble object.

A double value representing the value of the RemoteDouble object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

A String object containing this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

A String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteField class derives from class The RemoteField class enables remote debugging of field values of an object in a Java interpreter. RemoteField's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.8 shows its public members.

Listing 35.8. Public members of
public class RemoteField {
  public String getName()
  public String getType()
  public String getModifiers()
  public boolean isStatic()
  public String toString()



public String getName()

The getName() method returns a string containing the field's name.

A String object that contains the field's name.



public String getType()

The getType() method returns a String object containing information about the field's type.

A String object that describes the field.



public String getModifiers()

The getModifiers() method returns a string containing information about the field.

A String object that contains the field's modifiers.



public boolean isStatic()

The isStatic() method can be called to determine whether or not the field is static.

A Boolean value that is true if the field is static, false if not.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a textual representation of the field.

A String object that represents the value of this RemoteField.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteFloat class derives from class The RemoteFloat class allows remote debugging of float values. RemoteFloat's overall derivation appears in Figure 35.1 and its public members in Listing 35.9.

Listing 35.9. Public members of
public class RemoteFloat {
  public float get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public float get()

The get() method returns the float value of the RemoteFloat object.

A float value representing the value of the RemoteFloat object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

A String object containing this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

A String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteInt class derives from class The RemoteInt class allows remote debugging of int values. RemoteInt's overall derivation appears in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.10 shows its public members.

Listing 35.10. Public members of
public class RemoteInt {
  public int get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public int get()

The get() method returns the int value of the RemoteInt object.

An int value representing the value of the RemoteInt object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

A String object that contains this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

A String object that contains a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteLong class derives from class The RemoteLong class allows remote debugging of long values. RemoteLong's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.11 shows its public members.

Listing 35.11. Public members of
public class RemoteLong {
  public long get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public long get()

The get() method returns the long value of the RemoteLong object.

A long value representing the value of the RemoteLong object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object that contains the type name of the remote object.

A String object containing this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

A String object that contains a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteObject class derives from class The RemoteObject class enables remote debugging of objects. RemoteObject's overall derivation appears in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.12 shows its public members.

Listing 35.12. Public members of
public class RemoteObject {
  public String typeName() throws Exception
  public final int getId()
  public final RemoteClass getClazz()
  public RemoteValue getFieldValue(int n) throws Exception
  public RemoteValue getFieldValue(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteField[] getFields() throws Exception
  public RemoteField getField(int n) throws Exception
  public RemoteField getField(String name) throws Exception
  public String description()
  public String toString()



public String typeName() throws Exception

The typeName() method returns the RemoteObject's type name.

A String value that contains the RemoteObject's type name ("Object").

An Exception if the RemoteObject's type name was unable to be determined.



public final int getId()

The getId() method returns the ID of the RemoteObject.

An integer value that represents the ID of the RemoteObject.



public final RemoteClass getClazz()

The getClazz() returns the object's class as a RemoteClass object. For more information on the RemoteClass class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

A RemoteClass object that represents this object's class.



public RemoteValue getFieldValue(int n) throws Exception

The getFieldValue() method returns the value of the specified object as a RemoteValue object. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

n is an integer value that represents the ID of the variable to be returned.

A RemoteValue class.

An Exception if this field's value could not be determined.



public RemoteValue getFieldValue(String name) throws Exception

The getFieldValue() method returns the value of the specified field as a RemoteValue object. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.

name is a String object that specifies the field's name.

A RemoteValue object that represents the field's value.

An Exception if the specified field could not be returned.



public RemoteField[] getFields() throws Exception

The getFields() method is used to return all of the non-static fields of a RemoteObject.

An array of RemoteField objects. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the fields could not be returned.



public RemoteField getField(int n) throws Exception

The getField() method is used to return the field at the specified index.

n is an integer value representing the slot number of the field.

A RemoteField object that corresponds to the specified field index. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the specified field could not be retrieved.



public RemoteField getField(String name) throws Exception

The getField() method returns a RemoteField object based on the specified field name.

name is a String object containing the name of the field to be returned.

A RemoteField object that corresponds to the specified field name. For more information on the RemoteField class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the field could not be retrieved.



public String description()

The description() method returns a string description of the RemoteObject.

A String object containing a description of the object.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a textual representation of the RemoteObject.

toString() The RemoteObject as a String.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteShort class derives from class The RemoteShort class enables remote debugging of short values. RemoteShort's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.13 shows its public members.

Listing 35.13. Public members of
public class RemoteShort {
  public short get()
  public String typeName()
  public String toString()



public short get()

The get() method returns the short value of the RemoteShort object.

A short value representing the value of the RemoteShort object.



public String typeName()

The typeName() method returns a String object containing the type name of the remote object.

A String object containing this RemoteValue's type.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns a string representation of this RemoteValue.

A String object containing a textual representation of this RemoteValue.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteStackFrame class derives from class The RemoteStackFrame provides access to a stack frame of a suspended thread. RemoteStackFrame's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.14 shows its public members.

Listing 35.14. Public members of
public class RemoteStackFrame {
  public RemoteStackVariable getLocalVariable(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteStackVariable[] getLocalVariables() throws Exception
  public int getLineNumber()
  public String getMethodName()
  public int getPC()
  public RemoteClass getRemoteClass()



public RemoteStackVariable getLocalVariable(String name) throws Exception

The getLocalVariable() method returns the specified stack variable.

name is a String object specifying the name of the stack variable.

A RemoteStackVariable object. For more information on the RemoteStackVariable class, see the information later in this chapter.

An Exception if the variable could not be retrieved.



public RemoteStackVariable[] getLocalVariables() throws Exception

The getLocalVariables() method returns all valid local variables and method arguments for this RemoteStackFrame.

An array of RemoteStackVariable objects. For more information on the class RemoteStackVariable, see the documentation later in this chapter.

An Exception if the local variables could not be retrieved.



public int getLineNumber()

The getLineNumber() method returns the current source file line number.

An integer value representing the source file line number.



public String getMethodName()

The getMethodName() method returns the name of the method referenced by this RemoteStackFrame.

A String object that contains the name of the method referenced by this RemoteStackFrame.



public int getPC()

The getPC() method retrieves this RemoteStackFrame's program counter.

An integer value representing the program counter referenced by this RemoteStackFrame.



public RemoteClass getRemoteClass()

The getRemoteClass() method returns the class referenced by this RemoteStackFrame.

A RemoteClass object. For more information on the RemoteClass class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteStackVariable class derives from class The RemoteStackVariable class enables remote debugging of method arguments or local variables. RemoteStackVariable's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.15 shows its public members.

Listing 35.15. Public members of
public class RemoteStackVariable {
  public String getName()
  public RemoteValue getValue()
  public boolean inScope()



public String getName()

The getName() method returns the name of this RemoteStackVariable.

A String object that contains the name of the stack variable.



public RemoteValue getValue()

The getValue() method returns the value of the stack variable.

A RemoteValue object. For more information on the RemoteValue class, see the documentation later in this chapter.



public boolean inScope()

The inScope() method is used to determine if this stack variable is in scope.

A Boolean value that will be true if the variable is in scope, false if not.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteString class derives from class The RemoteString class enables remote debugging of string objects. RemoteString's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.16 shows its public members.

Listing 35.16. Public members of
public class RemoteString {
  public String typeName()
  public String description()
  public String toString()



public String typeName()

The typeName() method prints this object's type.

A String object containing the type of this object ("String").



public String description()

The description() method returns the string value of this RemoteString (or null).

A String object containing the value of the RemoteString.



public String toString()

The toString() method returns the string representation of this RemoteString (or null).

A String object that contains the contents of the RemoteString.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteThread class derives from class The RemoteThread class enables remote debugging of threads in a Java interpreter. RemoteThread's overall derivation appears in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.17 shows its public members.

Listing 35.17. Public members of
public class RemoteThread {
  public String getName() throws Exception
  public int getCurrentFrameIndex()
  public void setCurrentFrameIndex(int iFrame)
  public void resetCurrentFrameIndex()
  public void up(int nFrames) throws Exception
  public void down(int nFrames) throws Exception
  public String getStatus() throws Exception
  public RemoteStackFrame[] dumpStack() throws Exception
  public RemoteStackFrame getCurrentFrame() throws Exception
  public void suspend() throws Exception
  public void resume() throws Exception
  public void step(boolean skipLine) throws Exception
  public void next() throws Exception
  public boolean isSuspended()
  public void cont() throws Exception
  public void stop() throws Exception
  public RemoteStackVariable getStackVariable(String name) throws Exception
  public RemoteStackVariable[] getStackVariables() throws Exception



public String getName() throws Exception

The getName() method returns the name of the RemoteThread.

A String object that contains the name of the thread.

An Exception if the name could not be returned.



public int getCurrentFrameIndex()

The getCurrentFrameIndex() returns the index of the current stack frame.

An integer value containing the index number.



public void setCurrentFrameIndex(int iFrame)

The setCurrentFrameIndex() method is used to set the current stack frame index.

IFrame is an integer value specifying the index.



public void resetCurrentFrameIndex()

The resetCurrentFrameIndex() method resets the current stack frame.





public void up(int nFrames) throws IllegalAccessError,

The up() method increments the current stack frame to a higher stack frame (nFrames higher).

NFrames is an integer value representing the number of stack frames to increment.

An IllegalAccessError if the thread isn't suspended or waiting.

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the requested frame is beyond the stack boundary.



public void down(int nFrames) throws IllegalAccessError,

The down() method decrements the current stack frame to a lower stack frame (nFrames lower).

nFrames is an integer value representing the number of stack frames to decrement.

An IllegalAccessError if the thread isn't suspended or waiting.

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the requested frame is beyond the stack boundary.



public String getStatus() throws Exception

The getStatus() method returns a string description of the thread's status.

A String object that contains the thread's status.

An Exception if the status could not be returned.



public RemoteStackFrame[] dumpStack() throws Exception

The dumpStack() method is used to dump the stack contents.

An array of RemoteStackFrame objects. For more information on the RemoteStackFrame class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the RemoteStackFrames could not be retrieved.



public RemoteStackFrame getCurrentFrame() throws IllegalAccessError

The getCurrentFrame() method retrieves the current stack frame.

A RemoteStackFrame object. For more information on the RemoteStackFrame class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An IllegalAccessError if the RemoteStackFrame could not be retrieved.



public void suspend() throws Exception

The suspend() method suspends execution of the thread.

An Exception if the thread cannot be suspended.



public void resume() throws Exception

The resume() method resumes execution of the thread.

An Exception if the thread's execution cannot be resumed.



public void step(boolean skipLine) throws IllegalAccessError

The step() method steps the execution of this thread to the next line.

skipLine is a Boolean value that is true to skip to the next line, false to skip to the next instruction.

An IllegalAccessError if the thread isn't suspended or waiting.



public void next() throws IllegalAccessError

The next() method advances the execution of this thread to the next line, but won't step into a method call.

An IllegalAccessError if the thread isn't suspended or waiting.



public boolean isSuspended()

The isSuspended() method is used to determine whether or not the thread is suspended.

A Boolean value that is true if the thread is suspended, false if not.



public void cont() throws Exception

The cont() method resumes execution of the thread from a breakpoint unless it has been previously suspended.

An Exception if the thread cannot continue.



public void stop() throws Exception

The stop() method stops the execution of the remote thread.

An Exception if the thread cannot be stopped.



public RemoteStackVariable getStackVariable(String name) throws Exception

The getStackVariable() method retrieves the specified variable from the stack frame.

name is a String object containing the name of the variable to be retrieved.

A RemoteStackVariable object. For more information on the RemoteStackVariable class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the remote variable could not be returned.



public RemoteStackVariable[] getStackVariables() throws Exception

The getStackVariables() method returns all of the remote stack variables of the current stack frame.

An array of RemoteStackVariable objects. For more information on the class RemoteStackVariable, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the remote variables could not be returned.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteThreadGroup class derives from class The RemoteThreadGroup class enables remote debugging of a thread group in a Java debugger. RemoteThreadGroup's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.18 shows its public members.

Listing 35.18. Public members of
public class RemoteThreadGroup {
  public String getName() throws Exception
  public void stop() throws Exception
  public RemoteThread[] listThreads(boolean recurse) throws Exception



public String getName() throws Exception

The getName() method returns the name of the RemoteThreadGroup as a string.

A String object containing the name of the RemoteThreadGroup.

An Exception if the name could not be returned.



public void stop() throws Exception

The stop() method is used to stop the execution of the RemoteThreadGroup.

An Exception if the stop operation fails.



public RemoteThread[] listThreads(boolean recurse) throws Exception

The listThreads() method returns a list of all of the RemoteThreadGroup's threads based on the specified recursive option.

recurse is a Boolean value that will be true if the threads are to be returned recursively, false if not. If recurse is true, any thread groups contained in this thread group will have their contents returned also, and so on.

An array of RemoteThread objects. For more information on the RemoteThread class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if the contents of the RemoteThreadGroup could not be retrieved.


The class hierarchy for the RemoteValue class derives from class java.lang.Object. The RemoteValue class enables remote debugging of values. RemoteValue's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.19 shows its public members.

Listing 35.19. Public members of
public class RemoteValue {
  public final int getType()
  public final boolean isObject()
  public abstract String typeName() throws Exception
  public String description()
  public static String toHex(int n)
  public static int fromHex(String hexStr)



public final int getType()

The getType() method returns an integer value representing the type of the object.

An integer value used to specify the remote value's type.



public final boolean isObject()

The isObject() method is used to determine if the remote value is an Object (descended from the Object class) or is a primitive type such as int.

A Boolean value that will be true if the RemoteValue is an Object, false if not.



public abstract String typeName() throws Exception

The typeName() method returns the type of the RemoteValue object as a string.

A String object containing the type of the RemoteValue.

An Exception if the object's type could not be retrieved.



public String description()

The description() method is used to return a string description of the RemoteValue.

A String object containing a description of the RemoteValue.



public static String toHex(int n)

The toHex() method converts the specified integer value into a hexadecimal string.

n is an integer value to be converted.

A String object containing a hexadecimal representation of the specified integer value.



public static int fromHex(String hexStr)

The fromHex() method converts the specified hexadecimal string into an integer value.

HexStr is a hexadecimal string value.

An integer value containing an integer representation of the specified hexadecimal string.


The class hierarchy for the StackFrame class derives from class java.lang.Object. The StackFrame class represents the stack frame of a suspended thread. StackFrame's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.20 shows its public members.

Listing 35.20. Public members of
public class StackFrame {
  public StackFrame()
  public String toString()



public StackFrame()

The StackFrame() method creates a default StackFrame object.





public String toString()

The toString() method is used to return a string representation of the StackFrame object.

A String object containing the value of this StackFrame.


The class hierarchy for the DebuggerCallback interface derives from class java.lang.Object. The DebuggerCallback interface allows asynchronous communication between a client and a debugger. DebuggerCallback's overall derivation appears in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.21 shows its public members.

Listing 35.21. Public members of
public class DebuggerCallback {
  public abstract void printToConsole(String text) throws Exception
  public abstract void breakpointEvent(RemoteThread t) throws Exception
  public abstract void exceptionEvent(RemoteThread t, String errorText)
      Â throws Exception
  public abstract void threadDeathEvent(RemoteThread t) throws Exception
  public abstract void quitEvent() throws Exception



public abstract void printToConsole(String text) throws Exception

The printToConsole() method prints the specified text to the console window of the debugger.

text is a String object containing the text to be printed in the debugger console window.

An Exception if the string could not be printed.



public abstract void breakpointEvent(RemoteThread t) throws Exception

The breakpointEvent() method is an event method that notifies when a breakpoint has been hit in the specified thread.

t is a RemoteThread object. For more information on the RemoteThread class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if this method fails.



public abstract void exceptionEvent(RemoteThread t, String errorText)
 throws Exception

The exceptionEvent() method is used to notify when an exception has occurred.

t is a RemoteThread object. For more information on the RemoteThread class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

ErrorText is a String value containing the error that occurred.

An Exception if this method fails.



public abstract void threadDeathEvent(RemoteThread t) throws Exception

The threadDeathEvent() method is used to notify when a thread dies.

t is the RemoteThread that has died. For more information on the RemoteThread class, see the documentation earlier in this chapter.

An Exception if this method fails.



public abstract void quitEvent() throws Exception

The quitEvent() method notifies when the interpreter has exited, either by returning from the main thread or by calling System.exit().

An Exception if this method fails.


The hierarchy for the NoSessionException exception derives from class java.lang.Exception. NoSessionException signals that the remote session has been closed. NoSessionException's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.22 shows its public members.

Listing 35.22. Public members of
public class NoSessionException extends Exception{
  public NoSessionException()
  public NoSessionException(String s)



public NoSessionException()

The NoSessionException() constructor creates a new NoSessionException exception object with no default message string.



public NoSessionException(String s)

This NoSessionException() constructor creates a new NoSessionException exception object with a detail message string.

public NoSessionException(String s)

s is a String value containing the detail message associated with this exception.


The hierarchy for the NoSuchFieldException exception derives from class java.lang.Exception. NoSessionException signals that the class does not have a field of the specified name. NoSuchFieldException's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.23 shows its public members.

Listing 35.23. Public members of
public class NoSuchFieldException extends Exception{
  public NoSuchFieldException()
  public NoSuchFieldException(String s)



public NoSuchFieldException()

The NoSuchFieldException() constructor creates a new NoSuchFieldException exception object with no default message string.



public NoSuchFieldException(String s)

This NoSuchFieldException() constructor creates a new NoSuchFieldException exception object with a detail message string.

public NoSuchFieldException(String s)

s is a String value containing the detail message associated with this exception.


The hierarchy for the NoSuchLineNumberException exception derives from class java.lang.Exception. The NoSuchLineNumberException signals that no code is associated with a specified line number within a Java source file. NoSuchLineNumberException's overall derivation is shown in Figure 35.1. Listing 35.24 shows its public members.

Listing 35.24. Public members of
public class NoSuchLineNumberException extends Exception{
  public NoSuchLineNumberException()
  public NoSuchLineNumberException(String s)



public NoSuchLineNumberException()

The NoSuchLineNumberException() constructor creates a new NoSuchLineNumberException exception object with no default message string.



public NoSuchLineNumberException(String s)

This NoSuchLineNumberException() constructor creates a new NoSuchLineNumberException exception object with a detail message string.

s is a String value containing the detail message associated with this exception.